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Bibliografia e documentos de referência sobre Think Tanks


ABELSON, Donald E. From policy research to political advocacy: the changing role of thinks tanks in American politics. Canadian Review of American Studies. Vol. 25, Nº 01, 1995.

ABELSON, Donald E. and LINDQUIST, Evert A. Think tanks across North America. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

ABELSON, Donald E. Alguien está escuchando? Evaluando la influencia de los think tanks em las políticas. In: Garcé, A.;Unã, G. (Org.). Think Tanks y políticas públicas en Latino America: dinâmicas globales y realidades regionales. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2006.

ABELSON, Donald E. Do think tanks matter? Assessing the impact of public policy institutes. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009.

AHMAD, M. US Think tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role, Value and Impact. Political Quarterly 79(4), 2008.

ALEMANNO, Alberto. Lobbying For Change – Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society, Icon Books, 2017.

ALTERMAN, Eric. The professors, the press, the think tanks: and their problems. American Association of University Professors, 2011. Available here  Accessed on March, 2023.

ANTUNES, C. V. Experts em Networking: Uma análise dos Think Tanks brasileiros nos anos 2000. Projeto de pesquisa. Doutorado em Sociologia no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

ASTE, Norma Belén Correa. Mapeo de los think tanks en América Latina: investigación, estrategia y gobernanza. Informe final de investigación: caso Perú. PIEI/FLACSO, 2009.

ÁVILA, R.; HAUCK, J. Os think tanks brasileiros e suas contribuições para o pensamento social e político: um resgate histórico-exploratório sobre o Cebrap. Cadernos de História, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 23, 2º sem, 2014.

BARTLETT, Bruce. The alarming corruption of the think tanks. The Fiscal Times, 2012. Available here  Accessed on March, 2023.

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BELLETTINI, O. J. El papel de los centros de política pública en las reformas públicas implementadas en América Latina. In: Garcé, A. ;Unã, G. (Org.). Think Tanks y políticas públicas em Latino américa: dinâmicas globales y realidades regionales. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2006.

BOUCHER, Stephen; HOBBS, Ben; EBELE, Juliette; LAIGLE, Charlotte; POLETTO, Michele; CATTANEO, Diego and WEGRZIN, Radoslaw. Europe and its think-tanks: a promise to be fulfilled. An analysis of think-tanks specialized in European policy issues in the enlarged European Union. Studies and Research. Nº 35, 2004

BOURDIEU, Pierre. Os Doxósofos. In: THIOLLENT, M. J. M. Crítica metodológica, investigação social e enquete operária. São Paulo: Editora Polis, 1985.

BOURDIEU, Pierre. Sobre o Estado. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2014.

BRAUN-DORRELL, Taylor. How think tanks influence policy: an overview of current debates, 2014. Available here (PDF) 

CALLAHAN, David. $1 Billion for Conservative Ideas. 1999, April 8th. Available here . Accessed on February, 2016.

CARDOSO, F. H. Fernando Henrique Cardoso II (Depoimento, 2007). Rio de Janeiro, CPDOC/FUNDAÇÃO GETULIO VARGAS (FGV), 2010.

CATANI, A. M.; AZEVEDO, M. L. N.; HEY, A. P. Da autonomia do trabalho intelectual nas políticas públicas de educação superior no Brasil: analistas, intelectuais, dirigentes e policymakers. In: Nardi, E. L. et al. (orgs). Políticas públicas e regulação da educação. Temas em debate. Campinas, SP: Mercado das Letras, 2015.

CHACEL, Julian. Think tanks in Brazil: the case of Instituto Brasileiro de Economia as an illustration. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

CHOI, Chong-Ki. The Korean institute of international studies. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

CIANDELLA, Mike. Soros-funded media group attacks conservative ‘stink tanks’. Media Research Center, 2013. Available here  Accessed on March, 2023.

COLLIER, David and MAHON Jr., James E.; Conceptual “stretching” revisited: adapting categories in comparative analysis. The American Political Science ReviewVol. 87, Nº 04, 1993.

DENHAM, Andrew and GARNETT, Mark. A ‘hollowed-out’ tradition? British think tanks in the twenty-first century. In: Think tank traditions. Edited by STONE, Diane and DENHAM, Andrew. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

DENHAM, Andrew and GARNETT, Mark. Influence without Responsibility? Think-Tanks in Britain. Parliamentary AffairsVol. 52, Nº 01, 1999.

DESMOULINS, Lucile. French public policy research institutes and their political impact as another illustration of the French exception. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

DEZALAY, Y.; GARTH, B. The internationalization of palace wars: lawyers, economists, and the contest to transform Latin American states. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

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DICKSON, Paul. Think Tanks. Atheneum, 1971.

ECONOMIST. The think-tanks that miss the target, 2007. Available here. Accessed on March, 2023.

EURACTIV. Lobby transparency spotlight falls on think-tanks, 2009. Available here. Accessed on March, 2023.

FERNANDES, L. P. D. Mapeamento do espaço dos Think Tank no Brasil. Relatório de pesquisa de IC. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Sociais da Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

FIESCHI, Catherine and GAFFNEY, John. French think tanks in comparative perspective. In: Think tank traditions. Edited by STONE, Diane and DENHAM, Andrew. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

FRERES, Christian; SEABRA, Maria João and MORAES, Maria do Rosário de. Think tanks in Spain and Portugal: searching for relevance. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

GARCÉ, Adolfo. A narrow and unstable interface. Think tanks and political parties in Uruguay. In: Think tanks and public policies in Latin America. Edited by GARCÉ, Adolfo and UÑA, Gerardo. Buenos Aires: Fundación Siena and CIPPEC, 2010.

GARCÉ, Adolfo. UÑA, Gerardo. Think tanks and public policies in Latin America. Buenos Aires: Fundación Siena and CIPPEC, 2010.

GERRING, John. What makes a concept good? A criterial framework for understanding concept formation in the Social Sciences. Polity. Vol. 31, Nº 03, 1999.

GILROY, Patrick. Have think tanks in Washington D.C. become politicized? The Hertie School Student Paper Series. Nº 01, 2012.

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HART, Paul and VROMEN, Ariadne. A new era for think tanks in public policy: international trends, Australian realities. The Australian Journal of Public Administration.Vol. 67, Nº 02, 2008.

HAUCK, Juliana C.R. Think Tanks: quem são, como atuam e qual seu panorama de ação no Brasil. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Política) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2015. Disponível aqui.

HAUCK, Juliana C. R. Os think tanks brasileiros e seus modos de presença na cena política: um olhar sobre suas estratégias de disseminação de ideias e busca de influência nas políticas públicas. X Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política, Belo Horizonte, 2016.

HEY, A. P. Esboço de uma sociologia do campo acadêmico: a educação superior no Brasil. São Carlos, SP: EdUFSCar; São Paulo, FAPESP, 2008.

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KRASTEV, Ivan. Think tanks: Making and faking influence. Vol. 1, Nº 02, 2001.

KRUGMAN, Paul. Think tank transparency. New York Times, 2005. Available hereAccessed on March, 2023.

LADI, S.; LAZAROU, H.. Think-Tanks and Policy Transformation: The Case of Brazil. Draft Paper to be presented at the IPSA XXIInd World Congress of Political Science “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries”, Madrid, July 8 -12, 2012.

LINDQUIST, Evert. Three decades of Canadian think tanks: evolving institutions, conditions and strategies. In: Think tank traditions. Edited by STONE, Diane and DENHAM, Andrew. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

LONGHINI, Anna. The role and the influence of think tanks on the policy-making process in Europe. France and Italy’s case studies in comparison with the US. LSE – Paper. The European Graduate Network Conference, 2013.

LUKES, Steven. Poder: Uma Visão Radical. Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília. Tradução Vamireh Chacon, 1980.

MARSH, Ian and STONE, Diane. Australian think-tanks. Think-tanks traditions. In: Think tank traditions. Edited by STONE, Diane and DENHAM, Andrew. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

McGANN, James G. Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, 2020 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2021. Disponível aqui

McGANN, James G. Think Tanks – The New Knowledge and Policy Brokers in Asia. Brookings Institution Press, 2019.

McGANN, James G. Think tanks and policy advice in the US. Academics, advisors and advocates. New York: Routledge, 2007.

McGANN, James G. and JOHNSON, Erik. Comparative think tanks, politics and public policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005

McGANN, James G. and SABATINI, Richard. Global think tanks: policy networks and governance. Nova York: Routledge, 2011.

McGANN, James G.; WEAVER, R. Think Tanks and Civil Societies: Catalysts for Ideas and Action (English Edition) 1ª Edição, eBook Kindle, Routledge, 2017.

McNUTT, Kathleen and MARCHILDON, Gregory. Think tanks and the web: measuring visibility and influence. Canadian Public Policy. Vol. 35, Nº 02, 2009.

MEDVETZ, T. Hybrid Intellectuals: Towards a Social Praxeology of US Think-tank Experts, 2006. Available here

MEDVETZ, T. Les think tanks dans les champ du pouvoir étatsunien. Actes de La Recherche en Sciences Sociales. Paris, nº 200, déc. 2013.

MEDVETZ, T. Think tanks in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.

MEDVETZ, Thomas Matthew. Murky power: ‘think tanks’ as boundary organizations, 2012Available here  Accessed on March, 2023.

MEDVETZ, Thomas Matthew. Public policy is like having a vaudeville act: languages of duty and difference among think tank-afilliated policy experts. Qualitative Sociology. Vol. 33, Nº 04, 2010.

MEDVETZ, Thomas Matthew. Think tanks as an emergent field. The Social Science Research Council, 2008. Available here  Accessed on March, 2023.

MENDIZÁBAL, Enrique and SAMPLE, Kristen. Díme a quien escuchas…Think tanks y partidos políticos en América Latina. London: Overseas Development Institute, 2009.

MISZTAL, Barbara A. Public intellectuals and think tanks: a free market in ideas? International Journal of Politics, Culture and Sociology. Vol. 25, 2012.

MONBIOT, George. The educational charities that do PR for the rightwing ultra-rich. The Guardian, 2013. Available here. Accessed on March, 2023.

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NOVAES, R. de S. Preparando o passado: dimensões da construção histórica de Fernando Henrique Cardoso pela Fundação iFHC. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado em História Social) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.

OBADAN, Mike and UGA, Edu. Think tanks in Nigeria. In: Think tanks and civil societies: catalysts for ideas and action. Edited by McGANN, James G. and WEAVER, R. Kent. London: Transactions Publishers, 2002.

OLIVEIRA, S. G. de. A Fundação Fernando Henrique Cardoso no espaço dos Think Tanks brasileiros. Relatório de pesquisa de IC. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Sociais da Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

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PAUTZ, Hartwig. Revisiting the think tank phenomenon. Public Policy and Administration. Vol. 26, Nº 04, 2011.

PAUTZ, Hartwig. Scottish think-tanks and policy networks. Scottish Affairs. Vol. 58, 2007.

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RICH, Andrew. Ideas, expertise and think tanks. In: Ideas and politics in social science research. Edited by BELAND, Daniel and COX, Robert. Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.

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